Offer excellent service by delivering the right information to audiences at the right time.
Our default communication messages are clean, easy to read on a desktop or mobile device, and triggered at just the right time for different contexts. All these messages are enabled and provided for free accounts. To modify modify the content of these messages, or turn some of them off, take a look at Advanced Messaging. To customize these messages and save them for re-use with other events, see Customized Messages.
- Registration Approved
- Not Approved Registration
- Registration Pending Payment
- Payment Reminder
- Payment Received
- Payment Declined
- Newsletter
- Refund Issued
- Registration Declined
- Registration Cancelled
Registration Approved
This message type is for messages sent to attendees when their registration status is set to Approved.
Not Approved Registration
This message type is for messages sent to registrants when their registration status is set to “Not Approved”.
Registration Pending Payment
This message type is for used for recipients who have a “Pending Payment” registration status.
Payment Reminder
This message type is used for all payment reminder messages. These messages are triggered when an offline gateway registration is submitted or when manually triggered via event administrators via the Transactions admin page(s).
Payment Received
This message type is used for all payment notification messages that go out, including any manual payments entered by an event administrator.
Payment Declined
This message type is used for all declined payment notification messages that go out, including any manual payments entered by an event administrator.
Beautiful Emails & Mobile Optimized
We want to make you look good, so we’ve utilized zurb email templates that are optimized (responsive) for mobile and desktop screens.